Be in awe of all that is alive.
Be in natural wonder.
It is the pace of peace.---Gunilla Norris
We did it. Cedar and I played in the dirt all afternoon. In the sun. In the warmth. In between the conversations with neighbors and passersby. With our bare hands and paws. Digging. Moving. Hard work separating grassroots from stone pathway and such. Clearing the areas around the new lavendar plants from last year. Four survived the winter. Wondering why the rosemary in the front section has died or is in process of dying. it is newer than the one by the front door and that one is thriving. Well, maybe this will be the chance to grow something new in the space. Pruned the forcythia some and the columnar apple trees. All of this seems like one delicious, dirty metaphor for my life. And I'll take it...or till it. (Couldn't help myself).
Cedar and I also walked at Shilshole with good coffee and eagle song...and the mountains singing. Kayakers, sailboaters, divers, families with small children, and a rally of people who dig old Hondas and Nissans (by old I mean from when I was in college time). And this before 8 am. It was hopping at the beach today. Even the ducks were in abundance. The redwinged blackbirds were declaring turf. This is what I have been waiting for. Among other things. This is rhythm. This is what I know. This is what I want. This is LIFE.
Cleaned up a storm around here. You wouldn't know it. More infrastructure than topical. Enjoyed teaching dance yesterday. Have a cup of tea ready for this evening's work in front of the fire with dried rosemary and lavendar to scent the room. It will be a cozy time.
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