Already I'm enjoying the heck out of this day(and this week) and I've only been up for three hours!
Had to blog this---because as NYC Colleens ays, "Somethings just don't get better than this!"...
Already this week, I got to hug my precious-to-me golden dog, pray and share with sister-friends, dance and "point -n'-click dance" ( teacher talk for use my words, watch student do or try, then say yea or nay and keep on keeping on), great coffee this morning, a trip to the grocery store to get PUNKINS, a solid workout with no serious aches or pains, a pretty good attitude and energy for work, Hope, a visit to my tree, Friend Rowan, in the back this morning, my lunch is all packed. I remembered to bring my own bags to the grocery store. I stewarded another box of stuff to the Goodwill. I am going to work on report cards with positive anticipation instead of dread. Yesterday the tech lesson which had beeen a disaster last week went off without a hitch. I was able to anticipate a child having a meltdown just by the body language and the 'color '(those of you who know me well know what I mean about this) around him before he went into P.E. so I calmly brought my phonics tests to correct right outside the door and sat down and sure enough....BOOM! 6 minutes later he came blasting through the door screaming at the top of his lungs about unfair this, and sideswiping that and all the good people were on the other team...and he saw me smiling at him (benignly) from the floor and he stopped in mid-scream-----and I invited him to hang out down there withme...took him about 15 minutes to work it out just mumbling and groaning and complaining to himself. Then he talked with me--love and logic we bless you and are not worthy--and then he tried going back in for one more round....didn't work but I was hopeful....and then he dissed the teacher and I wasn't so saintly. I actually went "Christian Brothers" on him and he settled down..I forgot that with all the working out, I have gotten stronger. He settled in for the rest of the afternoon after I bulldozed some compliance out of him----another thing for which I am grateful...angry 4th graders still drip and ooze snot just like first graders and it was lovely....some days I really miss first grade land so I got a little glimpse yesterday and that made me happy! hi-ho, Hi-ho!..and I have already prepared my after work concoction of beer and Mike-arita---one little bottle of that has been going a long way all week!, hi-ho----
Had to blog this---because as NYC Colleens ays, "Somethings just don't get better than this!"...
Already this week, I got to hug my precious-to-me golden dog, pray and share with sister-friends, dance and "point -n'-click dance" ( teacher talk for use my words, watch student do or try, then say yea or nay and keep on keeping on), great coffee this morning, a trip to the grocery store to get PUNKINS, a solid workout with no serious aches or pains, a pretty good attitude and energy for work, Hope, a visit to my tree, Friend Rowan, in the back this morning, my lunch is all packed. I remembered to bring my own bags to the grocery store. I stewarded another box of stuff to the Goodwill. I am going to work on report cards with positive anticipation instead of dread. Yesterday the tech lesson which had beeen a disaster last week went off without a hitch. I was able to anticipate a child having a meltdown just by the body language and the 'color '(those of you who know me well know what I mean about this) around him before he went into P.E. so I calmly brought my phonics tests to correct right outside the door and sat down and sure enough....BOOM! 6 minutes later he came blasting through the door screaming at the top of his lungs about unfair this, and sideswiping that and all the good people were on the other team...and he saw me smiling at him (benignly) from the floor and he stopped in mid-scream-----and I invited him to hang out down there withme...took him about 15 minutes to work it out just mumbling and groaning and complaining to himself. Then he talked with me--love and logic we bless you and are not worthy--and then he tried going back in for one more round....didn't work but I was hopeful....and then he dissed the teacher and I wasn't so saintly. I actually went "Christian Brothers" on him and he settled down..I forgot that with all the working out, I have gotten stronger. He settled in for the rest of the afternoon after I bulldozed some compliance out of him----another thing for which I am grateful...angry 4th graders still drip and ooze snot just like first graders and it was lovely....some days I really miss first grade land so I got a little glimpse yesterday and that made me happy! hi-ho, Hi-ho!..and I have already prepared my after work concoction of beer and Mike-arita---one little bottle of that has been going a long way all week!, hi-ho----
At 11:15 AM,
Maude said…
hahahaha! Why is it when I read about your little boy I saw Scott bursting out of the gym/lunchroom at St. Anne's - green and black floor even?!?! Some things will never change in my mind. Maude
At 2:45 PM,
Brigid said…
That is an awesome story....I love it.
thanks for the comment....
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