Dive into yourself, and in your soul
you will discover the stairs
by which to ascend. ---Saint Isaac of Ninevah
Finished with most of the conferences...am almost ready for my sub on Monday. I will be on a visiting team for accreditation down in the south Sound area. I am looking forward to learning more about the new protocols and procedures for accreditation, so that when it is our turn, there will be no surprises.
It was not difficult talking with the parents. Having all of the data and assessments actually made it much easier and gave our conferences some very concrete points of reference.
I have checked out a couple of videos recommended by students. I intend to rest up, take some long walks, journal some, stay off the sheltie webpages, visit with friends, and clean out one of my personal tubs in the basement. I have discovered that there are four and they need to be looked at. I hope we dance as sistahs this weekend in prep for Yuletide. Another interesting note: I had another ex-husband dream. This time I wasn't beating the crap out of him. I tracked him down and demanded my housekey back...and got it. He tried to skive out of it and even gave my key to his current lover/partner, but I went after her, too. There was no violence, just persistence and an assertive voice--no screaming, no raging, no hyperventilating when I woke up. I managed a nap between conferences today, too. That gave me a second wind for sure.
Candlelight everynight, Christmas music, hot-hot baths, tomato soup and hot chocolate, and warm, snuggly bed-sometimes on the floor in front of the fire ---Hommmme...(say it with me in your best E.T. voice).
I plan to put in a call to Sr. Kay this weekend and find out about the orphanages run by the HNA sisters in Vietnam...much Love to all who are struggling, questioning, healing, growing, changing, transforming, grieving, laughing, and just plain trying to find clean underwear....
you will discover the stairs
by which to ascend. ---Saint Isaac of Ninevah
Finished with most of the conferences...am almost ready for my sub on Monday. I will be on a visiting team for accreditation down in the south Sound area. I am looking forward to learning more about the new protocols and procedures for accreditation, so that when it is our turn, there will be no surprises.
It was not difficult talking with the parents. Having all of the data and assessments actually made it much easier and gave our conferences some very concrete points of reference.
I have checked out a couple of videos recommended by students. I intend to rest up, take some long walks, journal some, stay off the sheltie webpages, visit with friends, and clean out one of my personal tubs in the basement. I have discovered that there are four and they need to be looked at. I hope we dance as sistahs this weekend in prep for Yuletide. Another interesting note: I had another ex-husband dream. This time I wasn't beating the crap out of him. I tracked him down and demanded my housekey back...and got it. He tried to skive out of it and even gave my key to his current lover/partner, but I went after her, too. There was no violence, just persistence and an assertive voice--no screaming, no raging, no hyperventilating when I woke up. I managed a nap between conferences today, too. That gave me a second wind for sure.
Candlelight everynight, Christmas music, hot-hot baths, tomato soup and hot chocolate, and warm, snuggly bed-sometimes on the floor in front of the fire ---Hommmme...(say it with me in your best E.T. voice).
I plan to put in a call to Sr. Kay this weekend and find out about the orphanages run by the HNA sisters in Vietnam...much Love to all who are struggling, questioning, healing, growing, changing, transforming, grieving, laughing, and just plain trying to find clean underwear....
At 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
mmmmmm.....underwear. and I will soak up any Love you have to give, pardon the assumption.
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