Mississippi Moments

Sunday, December 03, 2006

...three hawks a-watching, two mountains dancing..and the best Yuletide concert everrrrrrrrrr!.... (you all know the tune-sing with me!) It's a been a quiet day of catching up. working, chatting, and finding that the simple things are what matters.
I'm not kidding about the Portland Yuletide. The audience was Roaring at several places during the evening...having wee little Madeline there to dance and delight with our Rowan was something precious. Sprites in ghillies...the drive down was beautiful and uneventful. A full car-Val, Caitlin G. and Robyn and great music (the McKassons' cds and some Christmas music, too). I had a bit of a meltdown when I went to vacuum out my car before the roadtrip. Guess what the v. cleaner smelled entirely of???...that blew me backwards and inside out and made me late picking up some of the others...it's crazy where these signs of love and loss come to knock you right on your heart and ass. I'm doing and being fine and when these 2 by 4's come, it's still fine. I used to be dead to these things-not anymore...it means that I am also awake and here for the other stuff.
No "full moons" at the concert backstage last night...sorry to disappoint anyone who was waiting for otherwise. Last year, I was so out of it, that on the last costume change, apparently I was walking around with my dress tucked up and no bloomers or any'ting and the moons were keeping their watch over a whole lot...love that Kodak memory. Love it even more when Mark or Julie catch my eye when we sing the last song of the night about the moon and watching and hills and vales and babies from Vietnam...maybe those are my own verses.
I also love to watch my mother in the audience singing with us. That's another kodak moment. And Dad with the video...
Went to work today and also went and enjoyed another trip to the laundrymat...warm, 31 minutes of uninterruped time--corrected reading papers and thought about this time last year. Book group was lovely on Friday. What a group...and the big yellow dog. It was cozy and creative and 'a good thing". Harry Potter movie is next. I like that.I enjoyed reading "Eldest" and wish that book 3 was already out. I made myself proud this past week in the teaching dept. I behaved professionally and with humor and in a quality manner. I intend to do the same this week. I have some energy to care with now although my teeth and hair follicles still ache from the grief. I am lucky to have my hair and my teeth, so the ache is part of the package. Doing the walking workout video is also a good thing and I am starting to have some creative moments while I sweat...usually I am wondering which of the women on the tape have had plastic surgery...here's to a good week. The first week of Advent is the week of Faith...sooo "4 sisters wheezing, 3 singers Joy-ing, 2 pixies prancing, and Brenin jamming on the celloooo...


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