Mississippi Moments

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I'm dense. That's the good news. It's also the GREAT NEWS.
There is nothing to worry about in the boob area. It's dense fibrous tissue that's, well, dense.
And there is a brand new, energy efficient washer in my cellar that's just too pretty and small and looks like it could bake soda bread as well as do laundry.
The Homestudy is on its way for the Vietnam Program to review and that should take a week. Then it's hurry up and wait again for the paperwork requirements from the government.
All is well. All shall be well.
Christmas was full of people I love and hold dear, good times, some surprises to be sure, and moments that help to remind me of the Reason for the Season.
Much love to all! I'm off to the ocean and to the Field for a few days. Love, Erin


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