Rubber Chicken Kudos to the Graduates!
It is in classic Fair Isle Tradition that we continue with the Cosmic Happy Dance and the Rubber Chicken Kudos with Big Hugs and Sloppy Cedar Kisses for those Special Ones who have achieved this step on their Life Path! We are so proud of you and so happy for the Power of Choice that this opens for you...and Viva Italia...go have some espresso and dream of perfect little dresses in Monaco!:) Oh my...This Is A VERY GOOD THING!
On other news:
I have been down sick and up sick for the past two days with some flu-crud that was going around firstgradeland. Could have been some stress in there, too. At least the headache part has been pushed to the peripheries. I know how to cocoon now. And there is no way to fight it. It knocks you down, out, and flat. Even therapy helped find the core but didn't take away the physical stuff. Lots of change---again. Another death related to former faculty, some leavings, and that. I have had to be very conscious about Breathing all the way to my toes and into my cranium. Over and over. And water when it would stay down. And bare feet and lying down outside on Mother Earth. In the quiet damp. Light is too much.
It has been hard-going putting the classroom to bed. It has been hard putting me "to bed" after an intense year at school and out of it. None of it seems relevant anymore. Nothing "fits" anymore--clothes, thoughts, behaviors, habits, stuff, even Dreams--what does fit is happening in the moment. The Power of Now. The Power of Being. The Power of the Succulent, Juicy RIGHT HERE!
I am enjoying learning to gather and assimilate data. I like this aspect--the science of teaching and learning...I will enjoy gutting and reorganizing the classroom in this new state. Simplifying. I keep hearing this over and over "K.I.S.S."--Keep it simple, students. Or Keep it simple, Super-Darling-Teacher-Person. Nothing fits anymore- not former lazy ways of getting by, not resorting to yelling at kids (I got called on that one in my yearly review--okay....after I was done (in about 3 seconds) of being defensive, I was GRATEFUL for this on my plate to change, ameliorate, eliminate-- I can BE THE TEACHER OF MY DREAMS--no excuses, no more waiting,no need to take any classes to make this happen for me...It's that stuff from the Secret (Thank you Freeway Diva--oh my! It comes--attention, intention, trust, action) My therapist put it in a perfect way for me to understand---with all that has been going on these past months, I have no understanding of how to be 'normal" anymore. What is my "new normal"? She said it's like the classic putting new wine into old wineskins....it don't work. It ain't right.
So in order to find out, I need to be still and listen.....this I can do. This I can Be. And pass the wine...:)
Some things fit--therapy, Fletcher, Cedar, coffee, walks, playing harp AGAIN--it has been two years-literally since Fiona passed to her New Life this June 15th(We honored and remembered Sadie's passing on June 12th), French Circle time, time with Friends, baths, time with Family of Origin and Family of Choice, books and bookgroup,fires in the woodstove and Bonfires--- NEXT ONE IS JUNE 20TH AT GOLDEN GARDENS-COME AND JOIN US FOR SOLSTICE!--
A couple of other remarkable things happened this week:
I DANCED FOR REAL---down the hall at school after the children left and it was real and strong and without pain! YAY!
Last night when I was able to finally take Cedar and me and a cup of coffee for a walk around 8:45 pm, we went by one of our favorite little gardens on the corner of 8th and 62nd. The "gardener" was there, enjoying a smoke and a cup of tea. We had a lovely chat about the layering, energy, and beauty of his garden and work with Mother Earth. He calls his garden The Treasure Garden. I just knew it!:) That is what I have felt for seasons as we passed by. He invited me to come in anytime. His name is Matthew. He gave me a beautiful clematis blossom. He also recognized Sheltie energy--why? He'd had a sweet Sheltie rescue named Lady. She was a tri and she was his Love Shadow. He still holds her close in Love and Energy. I did not get the rest of that story but I have a sense that there will be a connection between the Fair Isle Fairy Garden and The Treasure Garden. Yes, the Fair Isle Fairy Garden is emerging from the Prairie. We have already spent an hour this morning in the back working on the comfrey, coinplant, bamboo, ivy off the fence, golden chain and the akebia. The deal back there is if I hit my head on anything it gets a trim and if Cedar doesn't have clear ball access, then it gets a trim. We also set up a couple of jumps for us and brought some veggie-dog bits to get us back in the mood for training. It was fun. This dog has so much bounce. The Airedale behaviors are cracking me up--he has this way of coming at you with his mouth wide open, teeth showing on the sides and then side-whacking you. We are working on stopping thebody-slamming thing. I believe he can put the brakes on.
One other Ordinary Miracle happened, too. The hummingbirds are in the back garden, zipping and setting in the bamboo. Their soft wing-whirr and flight-energy (it is a lovely colorful energy) paint the garden with the flow of watercolors in the air. Add to that the snarking, garuffing, side-leaping splatter-energy of Airedale-Wannabee-Boy and the palette of Not-Normal Mom ...and All is Well.
I will leave off with this thought from A Mystic Garden by Gunilla Norris:
It won't be long
before a storm will prune
what is ready to let go.
It will be swift and clean.
Be your own storm.
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