The star magnolias are blooming! Oh, we have waited such a long time for this! And it is feeling like November out there with the rains and the winds and the darks. Still taking our walks in the a.m. and the p.m., Gortex on the dog, baby bundled up with a weather cover on the stroller. I am longing for warmer, lighter times soon. One week ago, I sat in the backyard on a Friday afternoon and fed Baby under the elderberry and watched Porter play and sniff about when the squirrels weren't begging to be chased. The clouds scooted across the backdrop of warmth and blue. It felt like Spring. For real.
Baby is laughing now, cooing, having an opinion about most things. He can roll over some. He is sleeping longer through the night (stiil not long enough). He is swatting at things on his play mat --with his LEFT hand. One of his aunties is happy about that!
I had other things to share but am brain-dead after the week of work and dance. I will try to dream of warmth in a garden with star magnolias....sweet dreams