Mississippi Moments

Friday, March 30, 2012

The star magnolias are blooming! Oh, we have waited such a long time for this! And it is feeling like November out there with the rains and the winds and the darks. Still taking our walks in the a.m. and the p.m., Gortex on the dog, baby bundled up with a weather cover on the stroller. I am longing for warmer, lighter times soon. One week ago, I sat in the backyard on a Friday afternoon and fed Baby under the elderberry and watched Porter play and sniff about when the squirrels weren't begging to be chased. The clouds scooted across the backdrop of warmth and blue. It felt like Spring. For real.

Baby is laughing now, cooing, having an opinion about most things. He can roll over some. He is sleeping longer through the night (stiil not long enough). He is swatting at things on his play mat --with his LEFT hand. One of his aunties is happy about that!

I had other things to share but am brain-dead after the week of work and dance. I will try to dream of warmth in a garden with star magnolias....sweet dreams

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crocuses, tete-a-tetes, grape hyacinth--oh my! Add to that--kwanzan cherry blossoms, snowdrops, and daffodils---spring is here even if Mother Nature wants to still storm about!
It's cold enough to bundle up on our walks--even Porter with his full, double-layered coat, looks cold when we are out and about. It's a spit-spot, rainin' kind of walk most days, although last Friday, the entire time was in the sunshine--I won't say it was warm, but it was SUNNY! The wind and rain are a-blowing this morning, so we will layer up accordingly.

This St. Pat's made for some special memories. It was Baby Love's first one. He wore a shamrock on his butt the entire weekend--they actually make baby sleepers with cute things stamped on the behinds...alrighty-then. He got to hang out and go a-visiting with his daddy and big sister while mommy was out dancing or doing report cards.

Took dancers to the home for retired sisters in West Seattle. Took my dear friend, the piper, too. Full kilt. Big pipes. Huge heart. And warm stories. He had these lovely Irish nuns eating out of his hand and standing next to him requesting jigs. I kid you not.
The highpoint of my day was Sr. Marie (?) from County Tipperary standing next to Scott after our last dance of the afternoon, making her request TO DANCE. And she did! A jig, a lovely spritely jig at 76 years young----she was a former teacher AND dance teacher...and her friends who were there with her told us that she still dances and gets mad when they won't! We have been asked back and it will be my pleasure to return. I looked out at all of those women who have given their lives in service and in love for peace, justice, and the Lord's work-------I felt grateful to have been asked to be there....and I had been grumping earlier in the week about making the trek all the way to West Seattle. Silly, silly me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Lord of my heart, give me vision to inspire me,
that working or resting,
I may always think of You.
Lord of my heart, give me light to guide me,
that, at home or abroad,
I may always walk in Your way.--Celtic prayer for safety and protection

St. Patrick's Day approacheth. So much fun. But first we have T.G.I.Q Day at work---a wee celebration for this Texas burrito leprechaun that now lives with us. It was a fair blast to observe the inhabitants of middleschoolland at work in writing class today. We had a short lesson on the three strains or themes of traditional Celtic music in the harp tradition. Then the writers took the three strains and went a-looking for their own music, artists, and nature sounds that embody those three strains--Sorrow, Joy, and Rest. Then they are to create their own, personally meaningful strain and find music, artist, or sound that reflects such. I can't wait to read these and listen to their music choices. On another note, we began a Celtic zoomorphic illumination project in homeroom. The grounding and redirection of spring-no wait!-winter-Nooooo-spring again--nope-Winter! --okay back to spring---now back to winter and there we will stay until the next change---let's just say we are dealing with the restless energy of all that is young, bursting with Life, needing to move and reach and stretch...

Doing a few local shows with some of my little dancers from up north. Then heading down to help out with the big Tara Academy show. Thinking strongly about heading up to Snohomish for the Children Of Lir dance-drama on Sat. night. We shall see what the day and energy will allow.

Still adjusting to being back at work. Balance has a much different meaning now.
We had the ants dealt with. We will deal again in two weeks. And for as long as it takes.

I look forward to going to Great Wolf Lodge someday.

Monday, March 12, 2012

It's Mommy up at 3 a.m.-ish time!
That sentence is itself is a Dream come true...and the Dream is finally asleep in the baby swing...and the other Dream is curled up in the chair next to mine here...and the other Dream is sacked out on the couch bed because our real bed has ants. Yup--been waking up with ants in my pants and ants in my hair and ants on my face...not my favorite.

So---back to sharing of the thoughts and words and practices. Been awhile. Been doing a LOT of Living.