"Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation."---Anonymous
Lots going on over here although it doesn't look like it. Classes. Homework. More classes. I'm off in a few minutes for the next set. Then there is a wee break until two more for the summer. Fletcher and I are set for adoption classes in July and I go to Brain Camp right after Harp Camp.
I am having the post-school "let down" which I don't usually have when I am typically in Jonestown at this time of year, sweating, working hard-hard-hard, laughing, using every moment to breathe, pray, and recalibrate. Here it is different. Not normal. Don't feel calibrated. No time for it. No hard working with the kind of kids that "fit"......But taking care of my pup and walking with him are good things. Learning about brains, God, writing, how to use colored markers with adolescents, and how to organize all the stuff (or teach them how to do it)--all great tools for the toolkit and the next "job".
We met again with the home design/builder team. We seem to be getting closer to something. Will keep updating as we go.
We certainly want to do our part for the economy.
I am amazed at how silly and self-absorbed I can be. This may not change but I can laugh at myself when I discover it. "Good Lord!" as Dad would say. It'll burn.
Went to the Pride Parade with Book Group. It was glorious and banal. It was Wallingford Kiddies Parade meet New Orleans the Weeks before Mardi Gras meet 15th century Paris or Florentian revels with a dash of something you might find in the back section of the Seattle Weekly. Not entirely family friendly but a Bucket List sort of thing. My head is still spinning from all the input. I imagined Jesus sitting next to me on the curb and smiling at the diversity and saying "These are ALL my children."
There were several "reading" foci--King Co. Library, Book Mobile, Seattle Public Library, Summer Reading from Woodinville or something like that as well as several animal rescue organizations.There were also Dykes (sp?) on bikes. No bagpipe bands although lots of utilikilts. Are there no Dykes with pipes? It is not a proper parade without bagpipes.
Off to class.
Lots going on over here although it doesn't look like it. Classes. Homework. More classes. I'm off in a few minutes for the next set. Then there is a wee break until two more for the summer. Fletcher and I are set for adoption classes in July and I go to Brain Camp right after Harp Camp.
I am having the post-school "let down" which I don't usually have when I am typically in Jonestown at this time of year, sweating, working hard-hard-hard, laughing, using every moment to breathe, pray, and recalibrate. Here it is different. Not normal. Don't feel calibrated. No time for it. No hard working with the kind of kids that "fit"......But taking care of my pup and walking with him are good things. Learning about brains, God, writing, how to use colored markers with adolescents, and how to organize all the stuff (or teach them how to do it)--all great tools for the toolkit and the next "job".
We met again with the home design/builder team. We seem to be getting closer to something. Will keep updating as we go.
We certainly want to do our part for the economy.
I am amazed at how silly and self-absorbed I can be. This may not change but I can laugh at myself when I discover it. "Good Lord!" as Dad would say. It'll burn.
Went to the Pride Parade with Book Group. It was glorious and banal. It was Wallingford Kiddies Parade meet New Orleans the Weeks before Mardi Gras meet 15th century Paris or Florentian revels with a dash of something you might find in the back section of the Seattle Weekly. Not entirely family friendly but a Bucket List sort of thing. My head is still spinning from all the input. I imagined Jesus sitting next to me on the curb and smiling at the diversity and saying "These are ALL my children."
There were several "reading" foci--King Co. Library, Book Mobile, Seattle Public Library, Summer Reading from Woodinville or something like that as well as several animal rescue organizations.There were also Dykes (sp?) on bikes. No bagpipe bands although lots of utilikilts. Are there no Dykes with pipes? It is not a proper parade without bagpipes.
Off to class.