Mississippi Moments

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can't tell if it's mice downstairs or the rain outside making the scritching sounds...
we are finally home after a week of big (to us) snow and ice and wind and sunshine and more snow and then rain...a week of walks in the woods, breaths next to tree-friends and salmon streams, eagle soars and swoops, working more than some everyday, some dancing that was working yet fun and challenging, some naps, lots of tea, a headache that took the better part of two weeks to leave, and some energy-gagnering to begin again tomorrow.

If only middle school knew what was a-comin'....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Where are you going this wet winter morning?
All of ye birds--should be back in bed with a cup of tea.
Instead, we have already been out and about and amuck, amuck, amuck in the rain and soft wind and dark and now it is time to go and find some people and help them become interested in the text features of nonfiction and how to use them.

'Morning, said she, I am a-rovin'
over one bridge, up a hill, and over to the edge.
Where I'll find my aunt, and say a prayer
for all our Beloveds everywhere.

This working for a living has its ups and downs.
Mostly ups.
And lots of perks (and pokes) from the Universe.
At least, I get to drive to school.
I don't have to rent an egg.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some very good things are happening right now.
Some very hard things are happening right now.
Some very challenging things are happening right now.
Some very confusing things are happening right now.
Some very funny things are happening right now.
Some very unintelligible things are happening right now.
Some very grace-filled things are happening right now.

I wonder how to see the hope-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the peace-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the joy-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the fear-free things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the pain-free things that are happening right now?

When I get like this, I just stand, or better yet, sit still, near a tree-friend, in the proximity of my dog, the stars, Mother Earth, My Heart, and I listen. I Breathe.
I Remember. This is all there is. And it is enough. It is perfect.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sonnet 61
Francesco Petrarch

Blest be the day, and blest the month and year,
Season and hour and every moment blest...

Right here. Right now. Right on.

Tomorrow we are gonna get our butts handed to us on a platter at the Staff vs. 8th grade volleyball game. I went in early to practice. Oi. My hands do not work in that way. Wish we could just kick it over. That works.

I have bonded with the middleschoolers. I now dream about them. I now pray for them when I walk--all thoughts are prayer before 5:30 a.m.---and I wonder about them in my nonschool life. Notice I did not say "worry". Getting clear on the "What's yours, mine, ours, and THEIRS" bit and what that looks like in practice in the long run.

Sure digging Indian food lately. Going to learn how to make Nan as well as vegan jello shots with Mike's hard lemonade or smirnoff's cranberry blitzers. After I finish the latest batch of essays. Or not. My dog wants to play ball.......................