Mississippi Moments

Thursday, January 31, 2008

HOme. Squishy is at a sleepover. At least he's not going to get lice. Apparently I still have it which is why I am up with my head wrapped in a towel after rinsing in white vinegar. I hoep I heard the directions right. 20 minutes an dcomb again. Sheesh-this means I have to do all the clean laundry again, the stuff I thought was lice-free...ain't. We were supposedly free of any new cases at school in our room today ...but I'll believe that when it happens.
Tonight was fun. Mark adn COli had the crowd and it was a real MOntessori mosh-pit. Brigie and I did a little dancing. It went over big. The crowd did some dancing, too. Made something up on the spot. The best was sharing an excellent dinner afterwards. Gives you some reall peorspective on stuff...and some dirty jokes to think about on the way home. Like: What did one lice say to the other lice? Looks like you're having a bad hair day. Ah--hha-oh, stop me there.
I stench. But at least I'll ahve a clean sink.
And here's another thing...when I talked to the first general surgeon on Monday this week because those yahoos are still trying to find someone to do my surgery because the ones THEY recommended won't touch it, or call me back, or it turns out, call them back either until they got nasty---when I called back to tell them that I had someone, I asked why the original referrals wouldn't do it....answer I got---OH, IT'S BECAUSE OF THE PARALYSIS THING."...and I think to myself..WHAT PARALYSIS THING????????!!!!!!!!!. I'm pissed. I'm confused. I'm scared. Did I mention PISSED!!!!!!!!! But it will work out because Fuzzy found the right ONE!
Time for the STONES.......


Some days are harder to get out of bed than others, wouldn't you agree?
But...you get out. You get a good cup of tea. You get your shoes on, your wokout done, then a dog walk...and it helps a whole lot. With music and just letting all the mind-compost go...and go..and go.
Folks, it's lice central where I work-new cases in our room everyday. I am sick of it.
ANd it's just the beginning. Probably because we have so many folks in denial. Hopefully with efforts I have made with my room parent team, folks will realize that we have to talk about it and FIX IT...We have one kid with a shaved head. I'm thinking about it.
I saw some photos of myself recently. It's not pretty. What could a shaved head do? I've done it before,,,just one side of my head at a time.
I am just sick ofmyself right now.
I read another woman's story last night about her adoption from Viet Nam as a single parent. Before I looked at the date of the log. She was bitching about have to wait 6 WEEKS for a referral. That was then. This is now.
I'm just a little in the dumps. Still have these bags around of my stuff to clean. Haven't been able to touch them. School-we're learning and the are behind the teacher's desk is a pit. Oh well. This too shall pass.
Had to cancel and reschedule important things like therapy, book group, and massage. Sigh.
There were sweet sounds from the wind making timpani of the windchimes up and down our block through the wet, dark streets. Just not in the mood for anything..
And I'm sick of dreams about my exes....that's what therapy is for....
I just remind myself that these are not my kids...Jesus says, THEY ARE MINE," And it is mine to mind that. Lice and all,.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Universe (and some very with-it people) brought me a surgeon today>:)
Scheduled for a consult in early March and possibly earlier to get this excision show on the road. Had some good fun in the snow. Learned how to scan and fax documents from my home computer today--with no whining either!:) Deliced again. Took a very long nap and am making soup and noodles for the week. Love this woodstove. Makes all this other nonsense pale with its light, warmth, scent, memory-making. THe Christmas music in the background doesn't hurt either. Found several homes with lights still up and one home with a full-blown tree lit and proud in the window. That's Ballard for you-cantaloups growing on the parking strip and Norwegian Christmas trees up until whenever we feel like taking them down. Mine would still be up but I need it to dry laundry on.
Maybe another snow day tomorrow--wouldn't that be terrible-*snerk*?
And the best whopper of all..we woke to SNOW!
School's off. It's a snow day! We have been out all morning walking and playing and catching snowflakes on our noses.
We even went to find the "snow trolls" who live around the corner and followed some raccoon tracks.
Time for a lovely cup of tea and then we shall see......

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Universe threw me a couple of juicy whoppers today!
First off, I just finished report cards...and with everything that has gone on this weekend, THAT is a feat unto itself!
I have a lovely FULL glass of cheap zinfandel (one of my favs) in front of a cozy fire to celebrate!:)
Squishy is chewing one of his favorite toys and attempting to "steal" the others out of his toy box and so he is happy, too. When he steals something, he snags at it and runs pell mell down the hall or out of the room with it until he drops it and then comes running back in here with a grin on his face. He really is a cute nut! He is trying to get me to play with him by snicking in under my legs' space here at the desk and looking up. It's almost working but I wanna write first.
It's been a tough weekend. Moon time started Friday night with lice-ville.
Catholic Schools Week kick-off was this morning. I was on the early shift and so I used the time to get in earlier to work on report cards and then some afterwards.
Here's the first cosmic belly-whopper! There I was at Mass praying for Mary J.'s healing, thankful for the Barb and her support, all of the doctors and other support healing staff and I turn around for the "share peace"part and guess who's grinning at me? MARY J.!! It was priceless! I heard Jesus guffaw (sounds the same in Aramaic as English) and Jesus held my hand the rest of Mass just smiling. He is such a Good Shepherd! Mary and I had a nice chat at coffee and doughnuts. I believe we began to make plans for a midwinter mini-break aout at Iron Springs.

Second cosmic belly-whopper- To those of you who don't come from a large family of independent scrum, skip to the next whopper. It dawned on me that because of the lice, I had my mother to myself with a lovely cup of tea(And latex but who's paying attention to that really?) for almost three hours!!!! Not the way she would have wanted to spend her Saturday night, but I came away with this full inside, I-am-loved-feeling oozing out of my ears to drown out the dying cries of any head vermin.

Third belly-whopper-Today, the drive to Carnation was quiet, winter-y raw, open, and swathed in some sun, some grey, and some snow even. The family ceilidh that I called at this old, restored dry goods mercantile named Miller's was standing room, full to capacity, can't fit no more folks in here except hang you from the ceiling! The music was great (my friends from Red Crow-this is their idea), the energy better, the space lovely and we made a tidy sum to send off to MErcy Corps. And I enjoyed the drive home, too. I love the river valleys in winter when the waters are tame and there isn't bad traffic.

Fourth belly-whopper-I really like this newly ingrained habit of not heading to drama land when things/Life happens. Sometimes, I admit, it is easy to go there reactively first. I mean, 45 years of something, is tough to undo---and yet it can be done. It is serving me well.

Fifth belly-whopper-Cedar can jump the fence(if he wants to but he doesn't know it yet-hopefully never) and climb the woodpile to the roof of the garage after rats, birds, squirrels, and (hopefullly never) raccoons. This he learned from airedales.

Sixth belly-whopper-There is a oneness to all of us. A unity to us, of us, for us---that crap, and cancerous economies, and climate change, and all the nightmare stuff cannot touch, taint, or tear. This way of Believing and Being is scientifically viable. I just learned about it again in Cesar's book about being the Pack Leader. If you haven't read this, do. It's not really and just about dogs. It's about people. And being calm-assertive and positive. With your Self, your family, and your dog.

Time for bed. There were enough blankets and clean sheets after all the laundry bag-up ( I will enjoy some quiet time at the laundromat this week) to make a cozy family bed. See what I mean? Cosmic belly whoppers!:)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Corrie ten Boom was thankful for them at the Nazi death camp. When she and her sister, Betsey, were trying to come up with a list of things for which to thank the Lord when they were imprisoned, Betsey said she just couldn't think of anything to thank the Lord for about this. Corrie did. She said it kept the prison guards and the kapos out of the barracks so they could have a little bit of time in the night to read from the smuggled section of the Bible Corrie had hanging around her neck-which would have meant solitary confinement, torture, and then death if she/they had been caught...so I'm speaking of lice.
And I have it. The gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, ankle-biters. Our learning home is infested. And so are the learners ALL. SO the battle has begun. The house looks bare. I will vacuum after I delouse my head and anything else that needs it.
Have wine and many empty bins for the laundry so to the laudromat next I will go.
I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a real mom (instead of a fake one or a practice one). It is a huge pain in the ass (really the neck and head) and an embarrassment to be calling my friends to let them know to have a "heads up". Most are not amused. The ones who work in hospitals have been "ah, whatever".
Squishy got to play at Claddagh farms today. He had a blast and Tara taught him to drink like a farmdog from the spigot. I am such a dork. I didn't even think to let him have at it that way. You should have seen Thuja Dude react to the Belgians for the first time. It took awhile for him to notice that the ground was shaking as they came to eat. He was busy chasing Tara and leaping through the lower rung of the fence. IT was pretty cool to watch. Then he stopped and started to growl with tail up and came over to stand by "mom" and then other pack leader Man. Didn't get any closer but didn't stop low growling either until the game with Tara was back on. We would have stayed longer. The tea was perfect. The hospitality even more so. But I had a niggling problem to take care of. And I could've done without my father's nit-picking jokes! It has been a great day! Dancing was fabulous up in Monroe. Not enough students yet...but it has only been two times. I like it there. I think I shall stay after next time to have a good country breakfast in the cafe next door. I also spoke to the owner about the three misspellings on the website. She is a sweet person. Back to debugging and report cards. I have such a sexy Lice..I mean Life!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ankle- Biters, Rugrats, and Independent Scrum...
I have nothing to write about this. I just like the sound of it.

...and I did not slug my sister...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Captain Obvious just woke up and noticed that there's a fire in the woodstove. He's been asleep on the couch and the fire's been going for over a half an hour
(it's around 4:30)already....must....leap...and...growl...at...funny...noise...and...light...in....the.......box.....ohhh, never mind....I'll go sleep on this chair over there...zzz.
WIsh I could sleep better. Should be correcting papers. Reading the news instead. Sleeping for shorter times, deep, hard sleep with strange, disturbing dreams. Don't remember the ones from last night.
Yesterday was tough at school. Before school wasn't. After was fun. Julie came to teach the "ankle-biters" (her words) with me. Then it was (what did she say?)-"sitr-fries"--nope, that wasn't it....I forget. Not enough sleep. It was fun anyway. Shetook the last class on herown. I was glad for that. It was a long day. Cedar is back at dogcare. That's a good thing.
Just got another "update" from the adoption agency. Article in there was about how hard it was for a couple to wait 23 MONTHS for their referral. 23 months...are they joking...try four years and counting....They(2 parent family) picked up their infant daughter from China on CHristmas Day of this year....they already have 2 bio kids.....
Addendum at 6 am-it's amazing how a workout at home can set things aright in the feelings dept. God bless those endorphins, the fact that you don;t have to get trussed up to sweat, AND superglue for those winter cracks on winter hands that hurt like the dickens until you superglue 'em. Have a great day. Mine's off to one of those...and i'm going to one of the box stores tonight to check out a kitchen cabinet. I must remember to measure.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back on track...whew. Enjoy that full moon out there. We've already had a fun game of fetch in the moonlight.
I really do think too much. And dream weird stuff. And think too much about that, too. Alright-y then.
More walks. More wood splitting (I broke my ax. Time for a trip to Hardwick's). More water. More good greens. Less bread. Less pasta. Less potatoes. Less ramen. Mood killers-all. More Walking with Leslie Wierdo on the DVD but what a difference it makes. ANd more lists of what I really did this weekend:
Prayer and share on Friday night with Mary J. What a wonderful way to end the week and begin another one.
Walks with Squishy.
Book Group gathering on Sat. night.
Tea and sharing time with Jenny and her girls. What a pleasure that was.
Dinner and a Katharine HEpburn movie with MP.
Little Feather came up for lunch and a chat yesterday.
Talkin' on the phone with Jonestown and Miz Sr. Teresa.
Talks with Val and plans for gathering.
THinking about picking up the harp again soon.
THis warm, cozy home.
Getting a chunk done on report cards.
Back on track...that's where it's at. There are no more "I hate winters". There are no "I hates". Life's too short for that...really is.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I heard it might snow tonight.
Wouldn't that be grand?

What a week.
I'm ready to go back to bed after all the morning chores, but will corect math tests instead..maybe not.
We are going to go play with Jenny and Emily today at the beach. It looks like a fine winter day. Gray, cold, a little damp.
Had many more fine thoughts to share earlier this morning but the nap vibe is way too high in this room.
Cozy weekend wishes to all of you.
As tough as winter is sometimes, the little miracles of connection, healing, joy, ang nurturing are everywhere. Even in our Breath.

Himself is back to being hand fed by moi. And hooked to me almost always when he is not enjoying quiet time with himslef in his lovely crate which will be the gift that keeps on giving even next Christmas, too. He decided he didn't like being fed by hand and went two days without opening his mouth. Amazing how running your puppy bumpkin off at dogcare can stimulate a "ready to behave, Mom, and boy, amd I hungry" attitude. What a good boy. Helped out with the drain unclogging this morning, changing beds, doing laundry, dishes, and sweeping, too. Sacked out and getting ready for a long, relaxing walk.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Peculiar day it has been.
Something in the air, something in the energy. Everything feels off-kilter, not grounded, kind of hyper and with the energy of kids and dogs running around at breakneck just before they crash sound asleep.
I learned a new word today-"legacy software". When I asked the new tech whiz what that meant, he looked at me kinda funny and he said," You know, old software like OS 10 and (he mentioned something that I was familiar with and don't remember)."
I said something about that's too bad..I just got comfortable with the other stuff. He gave me this look and another teacher boomed out,"C'mon Raney! It's like, you know, indoor plumbing. Don't you use INDOOR PLUMBING?!?" ANd bless my little, big, kick-ass, I am never tired of being pulled aside by other teachers and it happened twice today already about how down-to-earth- and how she holds kids and parents to expectations-where-did-she ever-learn-to be-so-good at-that-sister (I could've said "Me' but I didn't". I said Barb, our Mother.:) Anyhoo, said Sister pops in immediately to Boomer-Teacher-No, She prefers to use a bucket...outdoors...and I added "when there aren't any trees around". And said Sister followed with "And it's Christmas music time ALL YEAR ROUND" with big grin and full frontal eye contact and love in that lookDidn't even give that other teacher (or Mr. modern Tech Boy) a chance to get a word in edgewise! Gotta love that Sister Sync!!!!!!! When I bitch as a 4 about how no one understands me or how I don't fit in, please just redirect my attention to this blog entry because that instance was the best of the best example of how neither is TRUE! I wish I would've added--and yeah, I split my own wood, dry my clothes on drying racks, only take baths when necessary and reuse the water in the garden, make my own bread, soup, and kick-ass apple pie...And I still love disco and the Bay City Rollers!" Some things just don't get better than this!
We had a prospective dancer come observe a class. It is amazing how Sara and I pick up on stuff. This one is dear to "Auntie T" and oh does she need to dance with us. We hope she will come and try a class. Besides, we REALLY liked the energy of her mom. Thanks, Auntie "T" for the referral. We'll see what happens.
The kid-crowd was amped up today. Other specialists were wondering if I had given them coffee for snack or Red Bull.
Nope. The whining and fussing today was beyond the Pale. Half of the class did not complete or bother to do HW. So, the Brickwall AWard goes to.....Ms. R.!!!! Oh yeah, oh yeah, o yeah. Thank you very much.
Substituted Irish dancing-advance and retire for rhythmic exercises in math. Measured and cut fabric for sewing bags to hold all their quilting supplies. WOrked on fairy tale book reports. Editing snow stories for spelling was a nightmare. I hate that blank stare with the defiant chin. I know 'cause I was one of the inventors. I should be getting royalties. I used a phrase that probably shouldn't have seen the light of this day (Knock it off!) about ten times. Still, I managed to get on with spelling and Spalding and math and editing and such even though M- took close to an hour to find a notebook that he needed the first 5 minutes of the day...and knows it and then wanted to argue with me about the amount of time it would take of his lunch recess to make up the work. I am not feeling benevolent these days. We did not argue. He was made to understand that it would take the entire recess and that he owed me "Hassle Time". This is the same kid who when were finding internet photos of the Old temple in Jerusalem found the one I wanted in two seconds and then proceeded to download some 15th century renditions of the Roman destruction of said Temple with people being thrown off the walls and impaled. I ran some interference with his mom before the day was out just in case she got the wrong idea of what the actual achievable target was. M--- is the kind of kid who would want to know if the Romans used orcs to vanquish people. He's my Legolas is Barbie in tights man.
I had another mom run out of carline to give me a hug today for "taking care of her child at school the way she would". I told her I was just doing my job.
And Coli had the EXACT SAME IDEA I've had a hundred times. WHen I am bored in carline watching the Lexuses, and the Beemers, and the LandRovers, and Volvos, and the whatever expensive cars go by, I stick the Volare or the primer in carline in my imagination and think about what the Pleasant Valley crowd there would think of that!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Good thing I'm in therapy...:)
I've been reading a little of last year's blogging at this time. Lots of thoughts.E-gads.
Now I just go on walks...and think.
Or I empty boxes in the basement or garage...and think.
Or drive long ways..and think.
And teach dance...and think.
Or get out the pruners, prune...and think.
Or get in the tub with book, forget about book...and think.
Or sort recyclables and do laundry...and think.
The thoughts are still grounded in Gratitude and Hope...and there is a lot more Joy.
Some worry, but oh, well.
'Tis been a lovely weekend. No snow in Ballard, but lovely just the same.
Little Man with an attitude has been a good boy all weekend long. He is playing soccer with himself as I write. We've had several long walks, predawn and in the sunshine.
Today was so peaceful
Naps this weekend--good.
Time with Family. Yes. Good.
Work-school and home. Yes. Good.
Some reading. Good.
Dancing up in Monroe-good. The six adults were the most fun. I haven't taught adults in awhile. I made them sweat--with me ---of course. I had fun and they learned a lot. Apparently the owner of the dance studio told all the dancers to bring tap shoes for Irish dancing. There was some confusion when I told them they would never be using those shoes for Irish dancing. I just enjoyed the quiet drive up. The good, short work, and the quiet drive home. Made my first trip to 3rd place Books to sell back some of my no longer used books. Only three made the grade but that place is a fun place! I have no clue what to do with the other books I no longer need and use. There is a large box to steward. I'll find out this week.
I'm in contact with a neurosurgeon. More news as it unfolds.
Julie is back to her hilarious self, complete with headshots.
Oh this family!
Off to get stuff ready for the week. Long walks are good for clearing the head and heart. Even in the dark and rain.
So is Christmas music--all year round.
And cups of hot cocoa in front of a cozy fire.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Squishy is officially in doggie detention.
Now I know what it is sort of like to be on the receiving end of a "conference" in which your darling is the little shit in question. The list of offenses has grown:
*stealing other dog's chicken pieces right out their bowls
*body slamming Queen Alice, not once but TWICE (Squishy is now a little bald in his chest area because she took a chunk out of him)
*taking other dogs' toys and running off with them and then not bringing them back on command (I've been told to get my sh*t together and teach this dog to fetch)
*eating human food right off of the side table in full view of Lydia when she is stuck on the corded phone and can't get to him from the kitchen--all of this done while he is watching her...THEN taking off running in the house and knocking over furniture and the like
*"biting"(tasting is more like it) me on the ear when we were playing the other night
*taking after the cat-not once-but twice until she whapped him a good one on the nose. Now we have a photo to prove that the cat is no longer a toy
What a week it's been.
FIre going. Dishes done. 2 loads of laundry. One very long dogwalk.
Magical Strings in the background. A lot of Dear Ones in my thoughts, prayers, and holding.
More good news today-the adoption agency has begun the dossier process for families including #92. It is getting closer!
There is another orphanage in HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City) that my agency was certified to work with...thus more referrals. The dossier is the next part of the process where all the necessary documents are gathered, notarized, authenticated, translated, and then sent to the governmental body in Viet Nam to ensure that everything is in order.
A little math to end this one:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Oh these dark, rainy, cold, long winter nights...and daytimes...and mornings...and afternoons....
Makes for some good cups of hot cocoa, careful driving, and long winter naps, eh?
I don't know about you but it is hard to get up, layered up, and out to walk, out to work, out to anything...
The Dreams are coming deep and fast. I am reading this book that Mom gave me (Eat, Pray, Love). It is resonating--oh my.
Last night I read this section where she (the author) is struggling with letting go of her guilt, not-enoughness, energy connections to her ex and other things in her life that weigh down and strap her Heart. Ooh-wee. I did the same visualization right before sleep and the dreams that came--wham! I ended up staying in bed until like right now and I have to at work in 30 minutes...AND, winter time is a deep, magic, soul lifting time. Talk to yourself. Better still, listen.
I am very aware that my prayers and intentions are being answered WHAM! faster than I can almost articulate them.
The Universe is opening up ways that I can have my monthly massages which help keep meina state of gratitude, balance, and off of drugs. THis fall I got real clear and came out of denial about the way I transferred my addictive behavior to my credit card. When I faced it, kept at it, was gentle when I fell down a few times and then right back at debt elimination. It is working...just like the other addictive behaviors-Attention, Intention, Trust.
Therapy with the right therapist is also the bomb. Keeps the balance going and keeps the migraines away.
I got another job. I'll be teaching dance on every other Saturday in Monroe at Sky Valley Dance. ALready have 6 students in each class. Here's to more debt reduction and paying off family members with more consistency.
We are also having another family ceilidh to raise funds for Mercy Corps on January 27th, Sunday afternoon in Carnation at the Miller COmmunity Center from 3-5pm. Live music. It will be fun, esp. if the river behaves. Come, dance, sweat, laugh, move those winter blahs for a great cause!
I am enjoying reading about Italy and hearing stories from those who have been there. I am holding the desire to go with love and then looking at pictures of Viet Nam instead. i envision a trip to Italy with and when my child is 16 or thereabouts. Or if I get my bills paid off earlier-then Fresh Pasta and everything, HERE WE COME.
School is in a lovely rhythm right now. I am working hard. (It alwasy cracks me up when this statement emerges because it's like saying "Hi, I'm Erin and I'm a workaholic)...but I'm not. Schedules, purpose, meaningful work make a huge difference in the quality of my life.So are the children. We are also doing the Robert Fulghum thing--read a little, paint a little, sing a little, write a little, play a little, share a little, snack a little, rest a little, dance a little, pray a LOT, handwork a little, move A LOT, learn a little, grow A LOT...they are taller. I am not, except on the inside.
So, Mary J. and I had another nourishing prayer time and sharing. We kicked off the New Year with some work around how winter is a time of waiting, a deepening time, a listening time. Scripture brought us to the story of the Healing of the Paralytic Man. In it, the man's friends, his community had such faith...with him and for him...that they together met God more than halfway to realize the intention, the prayer. Jesus also asked those around him, esp. those who were critical, "What thoughts are those that you are allowing to grow in your Heart?" (Even though He already knew.:) And the next question for us in our guide was," What then does your spirit long for? This winter?'
*****So......What does your spirit long for? And are you ready to listen?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

You know that song, "These are a few of my Favorite Things"...I have been awake less than ten minutes and here goes:
I love waking up to Christmas lights and my dog (when there isn't a mate in the picture that's a pretty good thing to wake up to)
The way the water is pearling in individual opaled ovals on the skeletal frame of the dissectum in the back but you can still see the heart stone and the Sheltie statue underneath.
That you can play a game of Sheltie ball with two flat balls in the space of time it takes for me to wake up and the water for coffee is hot and the dog is happier than when we came out and I have already cleaned up after him and I don't even remember it.
I love the texture of this new hat from my folks. Makes winter fun--more FUN!
off for a walk up onto the ridge oir somewhere so I can really wake up and get grateful.
Lovely last day of vacation.
Back from our loonnngg walk. The Olympics are sleeping in today under a bank of northern moving clouds.
It's cold out there, folks.
I love looking at the decorations people still have up...you can tell a lot of them have been in the families for a really long time. There is a piano shop up on Greenwood Ave. that has a collection of Santas from across the decades. Many of them are moving. My favorite is the one in the tub blowing bubbles!
I also enjoy looking at all the garden art that is often hidden in warmer times.
I'm going to share some photos of Cedar and his buddies at Camp Alice the last few times. He goes tomorrow. He doesn't even know what tomorrow is but I do...and he will have fun!
And last night's Book Group Gathering was a blast...pizza and movie night. Did you know that some smart person out there created a game called "Bookopoly"? Time for more game nights this winter--Friday nights are good for me. :)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

"Why do some people always see
beautiful skies and grass and lovely flowers
and incredible human beings,
while others are hard-pressed
to find any thing or any place that is beautiful?"---Leo Buscaglia

Been busy around here--cleaning, baking, digging compost, sorting, putting out the winter things and putting the other stuff away for now. I love the rituals and rhythms of the seasons. Hopefully the bread will turn out. 2 batches of cookies already did. Reality sets in today. Time for lesson plans, spelling lists, curriculum letters, and ironing of work clothes. Well, okay then. We still have on the Christmas carols. Andy, Andy, he's our man....I have no idea why that silky-voiced, fake-tanned, harisprayed-chanteur imprinted on me..but he did and we lik-ih-uhlott!
Get out and enjoy this beautiful day...although the beautiful grass is pretty muddy!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Mustard Pickle Rules!
I don't believe in resolutions AND I have already relearned how to do simple counted cross-stitch...what centering fun. And I have a goal of completing a Christmas tree skirt with these little, handworked, holiday images. It was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon with my folks while visiting. The first part of the day was just as pleasant. We woke up down at the Field and enjoyed a walk in the dawn dark alernating our listening to the coyotes to the south east and the logtrucks racing to be first in the loading line in the west. Then it was another rousing game of Sheltie ball and hide-n-go seek in the tall, dead grasses of the lower meadow/garden. After that it was good coffee and conversation and prayer followed by eggs and toast in the warm house. Last night was more of the same--long walk in the forest discussing a book called the "Feminine Brain", then tea and more talk about "Course in Miracles" and grief and hope and cats and dogs. Chicken livers played a helpful part in the last topic. We actually were able to have Cloud Man and Squishy within three feet of each other and Squishy not being a lunging fruit. His foot is much better. The epsom baths and being distracted by all the walks and fun have been helpful and the swelling is down quite a bit. He is happily eating a box in front of a cheery fire as I write this.
I, on the other hand, have just finished an amazing sandwich of celebration roast (a vegan alternative to pot roast) and my mother's mustard pickle. Oooh-wheee! I am in Heaven. And I have been for some time now. I found what I was looking for at the Field this time and came away rested and ready to get back into the swing of things. Working out is also helping with the natural rhythm of things. Few more days of quiet reading, cleaning out parts of the kitchen and basement, some work, and long walks with my sweet, precious dog .
I am happy to report that my sister's surgery went well and she is recovering readily. Round two is coming up for her and portents the same success. This carcinoma thing runs all through the family. Here's to finding things to look forward to in 2008--handwork and counted cross-stitch, successful dog training, successful surgeries and healing, more cyber bowling or whatever it's called, and lots of tea and visiting with Loved Ones.